Monday, May 8, 2017

Update on Things, and other vague blog titles.

Previously, on my blog:

I said I was going to wait a week to let vendors pull my books, per Smashword's recommendation. While I was vetting everything to make sure it had come down, I found out that The Doll Academy: Passing Notes was being offered on a scam site without my permission, so I ended up filing my first ever DMCA complaint. (If they hadn't been trying to steal credit card information with my stolen content, I might have even been flattered... but identity theft is not okay.)

I spoke to the Amazon team about everything, and they recommended holding that one back until the scam site is down. I was a little frustrated by that, but Amazon's representative was very kind about it, and I appreciated their prompt and professional response. So for the time being, I placed the other four titles on Select to make them available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited. Hopefully there won't be any other issues with that. I've only ever used KDP once before, and that was from day 1, which is a little different than this month's project.

The story I am currently working on yet isn't quite done - this all has me a little stressed and distracted - but I should have it ready to roll soon. In the spirit of giving this experiment proper time to succeed or fail, I'll be releasing things on Amazon exclusively for a little while just to see how that goes. If there are further changes, I will post about them.

The other thing I wanted to mention:

I've been working in 1st person POV since... I wanna say my third story. It's good for unreliable narration, which is a hallmark of the kind of mind control erotica that I've been writing here. (I used to think I'd write a bunch of different things, but the truth is that I'm happiest writing things that appeal to me, and I have some very specific tastes in sexy stories.)

However, I'm wanting to tell some longer stories, and I personally find 1st person to be too constraining. I know some authors kick ass with that, (*waves to Jim Butcher*), but I just haven't ever gotten the hang of it. Both the Doll Academy and Beta Tested books were experiments with just hopping around characters a little bit between sequels to give stories a better sense of scope. I loved all five of those books, but I'm not sure how well that part worked out for me.

As a result, I might be trying some other stuff with an eye toward longer stories, just to kind of break things up a bit for myself. As with the KU thing, I'm hoping this will be a change people enjoy.

Thanks again for reading! I really appreciate each and every one of you. :)

- Jessie.

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