Thursday, July 7, 2016

Doll On Call

Finished a new one over the holiday, and got it posted:

And a small excerpt:
I was in Lab Nine, the lights down because we were using it. It was one of several areas where we kept reinforcement chairs for slaves to help condition them. The device itself looked a bit like a dentist’s chair, but with leather restraints. Right now, Doll Patti was strapped into this one, with an assembly covering most of her head. Large, noise-canceling headphones were feeding her ultrasound and subliminals. A device that looked like an optometrist’s autorefractor was just a couple of inches in front of her face. I had enough room to see her face, her expression one of total rapture. Colored light danced in her wide, glassy eyes, the brightest thing in the otherwise dim space.
She was following along with the flood of messages being poured into her helpless, pliable brain, a stream of barely audible whispers, “Obey. Obey. Obey. Obey. Kneel. Submit. Obey.” 
While her face was mostly covered, the rest of her body was completely exposed. Her bare flesh glistened with sweat, and despite the fact that her mind was almost completely gone, her gigantic breasts heaved as she panted. A bright pink toy stuck out from between her legs, its buzzing almost subliminal too.
Her EEG readings were in one pane on the display in front of me, the colorful spikes narrow with her docility. The text of the messages she was being fed scrolled down the other side in real time. She was being fed far too many messages to keep up with verbally, her brain overwhelmed and soaking up command after command to accept and obey our authority.
The process was so thorough and intense that watching it felt hypnotic too.
Hope you all enjoy it, and hope you're having a good summer!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Smashwords Summer Sale

Hey all,

Summer hasn't been as work-friendly as I had hoped, but I've got a couple of projects that I'm still making progress on. In the meantime, Smashwords has a summer sale, and I've made every existing title half off over there for the time being. :)

Hope you all have a great Fourth! :)